Title: Foodtastic
Short description:
In this project we are going to compare eating habits in different European countries, learn about healthy lifestyle (main focus lies on nutrition), improve our English language skills while learning about biological sources of food, food chains, and exploring the cooking world. Another aim is to broaden pupils’ knowledge about savoir-vivre at the table and many more topics connected to food. During our project, we will highlight the problem of children's hunger/eating disorders around the world and especially in our countries.
This project aims to establish links between science, technology, art and English language and develop scientific knowledge, creativity and imagination of our students.
To achieve these goals, we will use a wide range of ICT tools, collaborative work with pupils and teachers from different European countries and also involve our school community.
Language: English
Age: 9-13
Work process:
- getting to know each other (online presentations of pupils and their favourite food, games).
- choosing and designing a logo (topic: typical food) of our country,
- discussing what kind of breakfast/lunch/dinner and supper we eat in different European countries (a map with photos),
- typical food in my country,
- school canteens (comparison, survey and discussion),
- starting publishing posts on an external blog (publishing our recipes),
- counting our BMI (Body Mass Index).
- Christmas activities,
- Christmas recipes,
- typical Christmas meals and traditions (a typical Christmas table, decorating Christmas trees).
February and January:
- the problem of malnutrition in my country and how pupils can help,
- doing something for others (charity, sharing food),
- feeding animals in winter,
- games about food (different kinds of food: fruits, vegetables, meals etc.),
- winter dishes.
- planting herbs/aromatic gardens,
- typical herbs in our countries,
- biological agriculture (typical products produced in our countries, their prizes, places where we can buy them),
- famous product brands in our countries,
- where to find food (nature, agriculture, shops, restaurants).
- Easter activities (Easter baskets, decorating eggs),
- medical and cosmetical plants (kinds of them in our countries; ways of use; learning how they work),
- counting calories (one day activity),
- learning about food chains (examples of food chains that human are elements),
- the food pyramid.
- learning and introducing to our partners poems about food,
- preparing handworks,
- savoir-vivre at the table,
- learning about curiosities about food.
- evaluation,
- summary,
- presentation of the project in our schools.
During the project:
- dictionaries, games, quizzes, interviews, recipes.
- to improve language skills,
- to develop ICT skills,
- to broaden pupils’ knowlegde about eating habits in different countries,
- to explore the link between science, technology, art, environment and English language,
- to encourage pupils to be creative,
- to promote collaborative work involving different agents of learning process: students, teachers, and parents.
Expected results:
- to share the results of our work at our own school communities,
- to publish the results of our work (using various ICT tools) online (TwinSpace, external blog),
- to gather and exchange with our partners handmade works made by pupils,
- to use the Internet resources consciously.
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